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Group L (Food) Presentations 

"Competitiveness of Ukrainian agricultural products"

Alona Lebedko

Advisor: Tetyana Kuts

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

"Use of Bio-Fungicidal Extracts in Managing
Seed-Borne Fungi for Improved Maize Seed Germination in Morogoro, Tanzania"

Rehema Erasto

Supervisor: Dr. Kilasi Newton

Department of Crop Science and Horticulture, Sokoine University of Agriculture

"Effect of Different Processing Techniques
on the Biochemical Composition of Purple Tea
(Camellia sinensis var. kitamura)"

Joyline Cheptoo

Advisor: Prof. Nelson Kennedy Olang’o Ojijo

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, College of Agriculture and Natural
Resources, School of Food and Nutrition Sciences, Department of Food Science and Technology

"The Effect of Retail Promotions
on the Price Elasticity of Demand of Conventional and Organic Food Products"

Martijn Wals

Advisor: Dr. Rico Ihle

Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group, Wageningen University

"Tackling Food Waste
for a More Sustainable Food System"

Iqra Amin

Advisor: Dr. Joanne Davies

University of Reading, Department of International Development

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