-7月15日1 分Upcoming!! ~The 23rd ISS, 2024~July 31 to August 3,2024 Main theme "Youth Actions and Collaboration towards Resilient Food Systems and Environmental Conservation"
-2023年11月30日1 分Are you a past ISS participant? ~building ISS Alumni network~ As a past participant of ISS, you are a valued member of our community, and we are reaching out to you with an exciting opportunity. We...
-2023年8月6日1 分The 22nd ISS just concluded!!!The 22nd edition of the International Students Summit (ISS) concluded successfully, welcoming 47 official participants. The summit...
-2023年8月2日1 分The Proceedings of the ISS 2023 is now available!!The proceeding is now ready! You can download its PDF version by clicking the photo on the left!
-2023年7月12日1 分学生サミット2023_会場参加の申込受付を開始致しました。会場での参加を希望される方は、以下からお申込みの上、ご来場ください。 なお、当日の様子はYoutube Livestreamingで配信致します。Youtube視聴については事前申込は不要です。 詳細については、こちらのページから
-2023年6月20日1 分ISS 2023 Participants Unite Online for Pre-SummitThe highly anticipated Pre-Summit of ISS 2023 brought together participants from around the globe on Saturday, June 10th, in a virtual...